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Journey Men Triangle

Ashville, North Carolina, US

The Journeymen Program
Journeymen is staffed by dozens of committed men who have undertaken their own journeys of personal development. Our team of mentors and facilitators create a safe and stimulating environment, that supports and challenges boys in their epic transition to adulthood.

  • Through ongoing mentoring groups and individual mentoring relationships we provide adolescent boys (12-17) with ongoing guidance and support on their journey into manhood.
  • Twice each year we offer a rite of passage weekend experience, which provides a safe and powerful container for boys to consciously envision what kind of men they can be.
  • Once each month the mentors and staff of Journeymen meet to provide mutual support and guidance to strengthen our ability to mentor youth with compassion and dignity.
  • Several times each year we take the young men of Journeymen (whom we call J-Men) on outings and overnight trips. Some are community service projects, some are just fun outings, in which our mentors can further model authentic manhood while strengthening our bonds of friendship and community with the J-Men.

Organizational Information


Areas of Work

Age range

  • 12–18


Ashville, North Carolina, US 28802